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Weapon oil Ballistol 200 ml
It is one of the most widely used oils with excellent protection. Ballistol cleans, repairs and protects!
Ballistol consists of natural products and substances that do not harm the environment.
Ballistol is CFC and PCB free. It does not contain dioxins or chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Wood (wood care).
Makes the surface beautiful. Ballistol cares for, preserves and protects unpainted wood. Highlights the naturalness and beauty of wood. Helps to care for and preserve antique furniture by restoring its shine. Protects against damage caused by insects and moisture.
Skin (skin care).
Helps to preserve and maintain!
Skin (coating) that is constantly exposed to moisture or water can become hard and brittle if care is taken incorrectly.
Ballistol protects the skin, its softness and shine, protects it from water, moisture and insects, maintaining the skin’s natural shape and form. Use Ballistol to care for boots, shoes, gloves, etc.
Firearms (firearms maintenance).
Provides protection for firearms – lock, rifle cap and barrel.
Ballistol cleans and removes all possible dirt. Saves time on cleaning and maintenance with its efficiency. Removes gunpowder and ammunition residues. It also cleans and keeps the rifle ceiling beautiful, prevents it from drying out. Ballistol, as a grease, never becomes solid. With Ballistol, your firearms are always beautiful and well-maintained!
Weapon maintenance universal oil Ballistol.
Lubricant and anti-rust agent, neutralizes gunpowder acid residues, gives wood water resistance and prevents mold.
Preserves wood parts even in extremely humid or dry conditions.
Also for household appliances, air guns, spinning reels and appliances where acid oils must not be used.
Biodegradable and non-toxic.
Volume 200 ml.
Made in Germany